THE DRAMA OF EXPRESSIONISM 401 poems and plays of OSKAR KOKOSCHKA (1886- ; a Czech by descent); in his plays (Morder, Hoffnung der Fratten, 1907; Die trdumenden Knaben, 1908; Der brennende Dornbuscb, 1911; Hiob, 1917; Vier Dramen^ 1919; Der weisse Tiertofer, 1920; Der gefesselte Kolumbus9 1921) the problem is that of 'senseless desire from horror to horror, insatiable circling in empty space' caused by the splitting of human- ity into sexes. Kokoschka belongs to that group of 'Bolshevized painters' (including Otto Dix and Franz Marc) whose works were in August, 1937, by official decree ignominiously cast forth from all German art galleries, and who were forbidden to exercise their craft; and the qualities of his painting - distortion used to reveal the innermost psychological instincts, writhing lines glinting in splashed colour - warp and obscure his literary work in still greater measure. He is now a naturalized Briton. ERNST BARLACH (1870-1938) was a famous sculptor (mostly in wood), and the characters of his dramas (Der tote Tag, 1912; Der arme Vetter, 1918; Die echten Sedemunds, 1920; DerFindling, 1922; Die Sundflut^ 1924) are like figures massively sculptured, awkward and hampered because left in the rough, but lifted as though by the wind or the breath of God in their folds; they belong to two worlds, earth-bound as ccreatures of this side' but as 'creatures of the other side' hearing 'the rustling of the blood of a higher life behind the ship's planks of everyday custom'; they are thus ghosts, but in the flesh. Barlach attempts to interweave - with the delicacy, the cruelty, and the intricacy of a spider's web - the unseen with the seen in a new creation of myth. In Der tote Tag the problem of a mother's relations to her son is viewed from a totally different angle from that of Hesse in Demian: a very physical mother and a son in whom spirituality stirs live in the great hall of a house with a cellar attached; the son's father is a god ('all sons have their best blood from an invisible father'); the mother wishes to keep her son tied to her apron-strings, by cellar and kitchen and broom; she would fain have him 'a suckling grown up' (Herzeloyde in the same way would have prisoned Parzival to the warmth of her breast, if angels from afar had not lured him forth); 'Sohnes^ukunff, says the mother in Barlach's play, */>/ Muttervergangenheif'; and when the invisible father sends a magic steed (Sonnenross) to spirit the lad into radiance she stabs it to death in the night; for, she says, 'the son who rides forth on a steed comes back hobbling on a beggar's staff' - as her long-vanished husband does during the